5 Things To Consider When Implementing New Technology Across Your Restaurant Chain

thessa Blog, iPad POS

Hint: Take it slow!

First of all, it’s usually a lengthy and ambitious process. So give it some time, be patient and you will reap the long-term benefits in no time!Introducing new technology like a new Point-of-Sale system or  online ordering at all your locations all at once is a recipe for disaster. We understand that you are eager to make a switch but give implementation some consideration and planning. It’s not a go big or go home mentality. On that note, keep these five  practices in mind to have a smooth transition to the new tech while your business keeps running efficient.

Test, test, test….and then test some more!
Test the technology in a small number of restaurants first, start with a handful locations or less. If you are lucky, things will go very smooth especially with an easy to set up system like Linga POS. But you always want to err on the side of caution. Minor areas might need improvement or adjustment which is to be expected. Employee feedback is key here. Addressing concerns in the first phase of implementation will help you immensely as technology is scaled across all your restaurants. Value the feedback like gold, my friend! Once you get to the point broad scale implementation, you want to know the ins and out of handling the system.

Get your managers on board first
You want your managers to buy into the technology change. Explain your reasons for switching POS solutions or getting that new online ordering platform, such as cost cutting, efficiency, and discuss the implementation process with them way in advance. Have them assist in making plans and giving their input. It’s  a team effort. You want your managers involved in the process of improving your restaurant and making their jobs easier. And yes, it will take time and effort to get everyone on board, but once that happens and everyone sees how it will help meet long-term goals, the conviction will trickle down the ranks to the employees.

Set measurable and reasonable goals
Keep it simple and on the small side in the very beginning. You are most likely introducing the new POS system or other technology to achieve a very specific business goal or objective. Define these goals, make sure they are measurable and attainable, and then evaluate the process and the end results. Keep in mind, the efficiency of the technology is bound to increase with familiarity. There is a learning curve associated with new technology.

Train for consistency
Consistency is key! Consistency is everything! Your customers expect a certain level of service no matter which location they visit. Ultimately that’s what visiting a chain restaurant or franchise is all about – the management of expectations. Apart from the pilot phase, you are promising your customer they can enjoy the technology at every location especially when it’s a self-ordering kiosk system etc. Ensure that all practices and training processes are the same across all locations, train for consistency, and your customers will embrace the new tech.

Customize if you can
Even if you buy a complete system from a POS company, you can usually have some control over the branding. Be it with pictures or colors or the casing. But understand the extent to which that’s possible and useful. If the technology is easy to understand and intuitive, you want your brand to be associated with it because it will have major impact on the user experience. Spent time on customizing your menu and setting that up just perfectly. With a cloud-based application, you can simply replicate the database for every new device added.